How to increase Twitter reach?

July 8, 2020 ・ 13 min read

Twitter, if used correctly, is a powerful social media marketing tool that will help you generate new leads, build relationships with your customers, and provide an excellent customer service. That’s why developing organic Twitter reach is vital to your social media success.

To benefit from all the goodness Twitter has to offer, you need to establish a robust Twitter presence that will translate in high Twitter reach.

In the times of bots and algorithms, building Twitter reach sounds like a daunting task. Thankfully, with a little help from this blog post, you’ll be able to reach a bigger audience on Twitter and spread your message even further!

Before we dig deeper into some techniques to boost your Twitter reach, you need to know how the Twitter algorithm works. The algorithm will determine whether your content is visible to a wider audience, that’s why it’s vital to act within the rules set up by the algorithm.

Here’s our itinerary for today:

  • Understanding The Twitter Algorithm
  • The Composition Of A Twitter Timeline
  • How To Increase Twitter Reach
  • How to measure Twitter reach?
  • Cracking The Twitter Organic Reach
  • Understanding the Twitter Algorithm

    To play with the Twitter algorithm, you have to know its ins and outs.

    Let’s start with taking a holistic view of your Twitter account. For the Twitter algorithm, more important that the performance of separate tweets, is your overall Twitter presence.

    How often do you publish? What’s the average engagement rate? How many impressions do your tweets generate? Those, and many more are all important factors when it comes to the Twitter algorithm, and ultimately, your Twitter reach.

    Twitter, unlike Instagram or Facebook, is quite open about its algorithm and published an in-depth guide on how it works. According to this document, Twitter takes into account three factors while ranking the tweets on our timelines:

    • the tweet – when was it published (the more recent the tweet, the better), does it contain a video or a photo, the number of social media interactions it received;
    • the author – your interactions with the author, how your relationship started, how often do you engage with each other;
    • you – what did you like in the past, how often do you use Twitter.

    The Composition Of A Twitter Timeline

    Another important aspect of increasing your Twitter reach strategy is the composition of your Twitter timeline.

    Your Twitter timeline will look like this:

    • top-ranked tweets
    • ICYMI (in case you missed it)
    • reverse chronological order tweets.

    In the first section, the top-ranked tweets, the Twitter algorithm chooses the tweets you’re most likely to engage with.

    ICYMI ranking shows the tweets from accounts you’ve engaged with in the past and which tweeted something interesting while you were away. In the ICYMI section, Twitter will show all the tweets it finds important, no matter when they were posted.

    That’s a vital piece of information for companies present on Twitter. It will give your tweets a nice organic boost if your followers can see your messages right when they open the app.

    A reverse chronological timeline is where your normal Twitter feed starts. You’ll see the newest tweets from your following first.

    To build a robust Twitter presence and increase the reach of your tweets you need to engage more with your audience.

    How exactly do you do that? Let’s get to the bottom of it!

    How to Increase Twitter Reach

    Since you already have some theoretical knowledge, it’s time to take a closer look at some practical tips and tricks to increase your organic reach on Twitter!

    Tweet On A Regular Basis

    There’s no point in broadcasting your message when your target audience is busy doing other things.

    You can determine the right time to post by trial and error method. Simply tweet during different times of day and analyse which one received the most likes and retweets.

    Alternatively, you can use some Twitter analytics tools, for example, the native, free, Twitter analytics, to determine when your audience is online.

    Thankfully, there are multiple tools that allow you to schedule your tweets in advance, so you don’t have to manually send tweets at odd hours. At Brand24, we use CoSchedule, and we are pretty happy with all its features.

    Once you establish the right time to tweet, just go for it, and tweet on a regular basis. The half-life of a tweet is very limited (according to some research it only lasts about 24 minutes) so you certainly won’t spam your followers.

    The more you tweet, the bigger the chance your message will be seen, increasing your Twitter reach.

    Be Social

    While we’re talking a lot about technical details of increasing your Twitter reach, we tend to forget that Twitter is a social network. The whole point of building a robust Twitter presence for your brand is to engage with and talk to your followers.

    Once you log in to Twitter, think about your followers, not in terms of potential leads you have to turn into paying customers, but real people you could help.

    If you take a closer look at the most successful Twitter brands, you won’t find one that only broadcast about themselves. Take a look at tweets send out by Innocent, a company that makes healthy drinks and donates 10% of their profits to charity.

    They don’t do a shout out for their product with every tweet they send. Instead, they talk to their followers. Like here:

    This approach to increasing your Twitter reach clearly works, as the tweet generated 24 comments, 33 retweets, and over 700 likes. And it’s still growing!

    Many social media marketers claim that 80/20 is a golden ratio. It means that you should spend 80% of your tweets on content not directly related to sales, e.g. funny videos, informative content, or asking your followers question. Only 20% of your tweets should be aimed to sell your product or service (informing about deals and promotions and having a clear call-to-action to buy your product).

    Run Twitter Ads

    I know running Twitter ads to boost your organic Twitter reach sounds like pepper and salt or winter and summer.

    But, counterintuitively, it can increase your organic reach and boost your followers.

    If you choose a post that generated the highest organic engagement rate and you promote it on Twitter via an ad, the engagement of this post will grow. It will rank better in the timeline, which may make your profile more visible to others.

    The question is, which post to choose.

    A little helping hand will be a social media monitoring tool, for example, Brand24. I recommend Brand24 because it’s a very versatile and affordable tool. At least according to Buffer.

    I will showcase multiple features of Brand24 that will help you grow your organic Twitter reach, so let’s take a look at how Brand24 works exactly!

    Start Twitter reach analytics! Kickoff a 14-day free trial (no credit card required)

    Start with creating a project.

    The beauty of social media monitoring is that you can follow and see the mentions for every keyword you can come up with. In this case, I’d recommend following your brands’ name and/or your branded hashtag on Twitter.

    Simply, enter the terms in the project creation wizard. In the Project Settings tab, you can narrow down the results to Twitter.

    print screen showing the project creation wizard in Brand24

    It’s important to remember that social media monitoring tools, in general, don’t provide historical data.

    Once you give Brand24 some time, it will generate a list of your top performing tweets. What you can do, is to use one of the tweets as an ad to increase your Twitter reach.

    an example of the most popular tweets you can use to expand your Twitter reach

    Invest Time And Money In Twitter Video

    How many times have you heard that next year is going to be “the year of the video”? The change is happening, although very slowly. But you can easily spot the change on Twitter, especially if you monitor your Twitter organic reach for some time.

    Tweets that contain a video rank considerably higher in the timeline than those with only text or gifs.

    I know you probably think that creating a Twitter video is extremely time and cost consuming.

    DiGiorno pizza is a great example of creating a low-budget video with a maximum effect:

    And even if your videos look less professional, don’t worry! Your followers will appreciate spontaneous and fresh videos from your brand.

    Use The Right Twitter Hashtags

    What would Twitter be without hashtags? It’s hard to imagine this platform without the pound sign.

    When it comes to increasing your organic Twitter reach, it’s important to choose the right hashtags.

    Using branded hashtag will not only help with building your brand awareness but will also help you see how your hashtag spreads across social media.

    The other two hashtags should help you spread your message even further across Twitter and boost your organic reach. That’s a responsible task. Thankfully, Brand24 will generate a list of Twitter trending hashtags.

    a list of 100 Twitter trending hashtags you can use to increase your Twitter organic reach

    The list has 100 trending Twitter hashtags, together with the total number of mentions. You can also adjust time frames so you can spot all the seasonal changes and adapt your Twitter strategy accordingly.

    Find the best hashtags to use in your tweets!

    Measure Hashtag Performance

    While we are at hashtag marketing, it’s vital to measure the performance of your hashtag efforts on a regular basis.

    You can find all the important Twitter metrics in the Brand24’s analysis tab.

    If you set up a project in Brand24, you’ll be able to monitor the performance of your hashtag, which means you can closely follow metrics such as:

    • estimated social media reach
    • number of interactions
    • type of interaction
    • the total number of tweets with positive and negative sentiment.
    a list of twitter hashtag metrics, for example, estimated social media reach, you can analyse to increase your Twitter reach

    That’s a quite important metric for the Twitter algorithm since it determines the engagement level. A like is worth much less than a comment or a retweet. It’s much easier to leave a like, than a comment, or vouch for your message with a retweet.

    Measure the performance of Twitter hashtags with Brand24!

    What’s great about the Twitter hashtag analytics in Brand24 is the fact that you can easily compare two or more projects in terms of:

    • the number of mentions;
    • sentiment;
    • the most active author.
    a comparison of two Twitter projects in Brand24 where you can compare your social media reach and sentiment around the hashtags

    You can find even more optional filters on the right side of the screen.

    Increase Twitter reach! Start your free trial!


    User-generated content is a true live saviour. The amount of content you need to produce to stay on the radar and increase your organic Twitter reach is overwhelming.

    The good news is that you don’t have to come up with all the content by yourself. You can simply retweet the posts of other people.

    The benefits of UGC include:

    • building brand awareness;
    • increase the organic reach of your tweets;
    • establish your brand as an industry leader;
    • generate new leads.

    By sharing the tweets of your followers, you will show them that you listen what they say and care enough to vouch for it with your authority.

    Work With Microinfluencers

    Influencer marketing is the go-to strategy for boosting your organic reach on any social media platform.

    Twitter influencers will help you:

    1. create new, interesting content;
    2. provide social proof of your product or service;
    3. generate new leads;
    4. raise your brand awareness;
    5. reach new audiences you won’t be able to reach otherwise.

    The key to a successful Twitter campaign with micro influencers is to choose the right influencer to work with. Someone who represents the same values as your company and looks like an authentic brand ambassador to your followers.

    The good news is that this person is already in your network, maybe even talking about your product.

    To find the best fit for your business, set up a project. As keywords use words related to your industry. Brand24 will find people already talking about the topics related to your business and rank them according to their influence. All the data is gathered in the Analysis tab.

    Find the best influencers to collaborate with!

    Brand24 will also show the share of voice (the number of online discussions started by the influencer) and calculated influence number. As always, you can determine the time range so it suits your needs.

    A table with potential Twitter influencers you can work with to increase your Twitter reach

    The second table you might be interested in is the most active social media authors. It shows the authors that use your keywords the most, together with their reach.

    Focus On The Twitter Sentiment Analysis

    Having a positive sentiment around your brand is important not only because it builds brand awareness and boosts your general performance.

    The Twitter algorithm, and, in a matter of fact, any social media algorithm is constantly learning. A part of the deep learning process is integration with NLP, which stands for natural language processing.

    According to Wikipedia, NLP is

    a subfield of computer science, information engineering, and artificial intelligence concerned with interactions between computers and human (natural) languages, in particular how to program computers to process and analyze large amounts of natural language data.

    It means that computers can understand human language and detect the right sentiment, context, and semantics.

    In the future, the Twitter algorithm can understand the sentiment around your tweets and the tweets concerning your brand. If the tweets around your brands are mainly positive it can mean that Twitter users might want to see more content like that.

    an example of a negative Twitter mention

    That’s a song of the future, but you can start working on the positive sentiment right away.

    an example of positive Twitter reach

    The first thing you need to do is to assess your sentiment. Brand24 will show you the results right away, you can even browse throw positive and negative mentions.

    If your sentiment is overall positive, then you’re in the good starting position. You can expand your Twitter account by talking to your followers or hosting giveaways. Just be as helpful as you possibly can!

    Track Twitter sentiment! Create your free project!

    Build An Engaged Community Around Your Brand

    And do it from the start! Remember when we talked about what is important for Twitter when it assesses the timeline?

    One of the key factors was the origin of your relationship and the strength of your connection.

    That’s why it’s important to build a strong relationship with your followers right from the beginning. It’s definitely more time-consuming than simply tweeting about your product and brand.

    If you need a helping hand in building a Twitter community around your brand take a look at these two posts written by my colleague, Kuba:

    11 Essential Tools and Websites for Community Management 

    Should I Build a Community or Become a Member of Existing Ones? 

    Link Your Tweets to Recent Events And Holidays

    Twitter is the king of real-time marketing. People go to Twitter to find out about trending topics, news, events, about what’s going on in pop-culture or politics.

    A nice lifehack would be to stay on track of current events and try to implement them in your Twitter marketing strategy.

    Just like the Flightradar did on Friday, the 13th:

    You should probably stay away from controversial topics, as there aren’t many brands which can pull it off. But showing some human face never hurt anybody!

    Reuse Your Content

    According to Wiselytics, an average half-life of a tweet is only 24 minutes. That does sound scary, doesn’t it? You have to constantly provide tweets, photos, and videos to keep your followers engaged.

    But the extremely hectic pace of Twitter can work for your advantage. It means you can reuse your own content multiple times. Many of your followers wouldn’t have a chance to interact with your message anyway.

    Sharing your best performing content will make it possible to reach the Twitter audience who hasn’t seen the tweet when it was first published.

    Always Respond To Other Users Mentions Of Your Brand

    Do you know what’s so great about engaging to all the mentions from other Twitter users?

    Everyone expects it, yet everyone is surprised when a brand responds to their mention. Just take a look at this tweet:

    It’s easy to spot all the direct @mentions, but how do you keep track on Twitter mentions without direct mention of a Twitter handle?

    Just take a look into Brand24 mentions dashboard.

    The tool will automatically collect all the mentions from Twitter. All you have to do is click on the engage button and talk to your followers!

    Find mentions of your brand!

    How to measure Twitter reach?

    Once you know how to increase your Twitter reach, it’s time to learn how to measure it. After all, if you don’t measure a metric, you can’t improve it.

    You can easily measure the reach of your tweets with a social media monitoring tool.

    Once you add a branded hashtag to your tweets and use it as a keyword in your monitoring project, Brand24 will measure the estimate social media reach.

    What’s more, you’ll be able to track your Twitter reach over time. This metric will indicate whether your actions are bringing desired results.

    print screen showing estimated Twitter reach for a social media account

    Measure reach on Twitter!

    Cracking The Twitter Organic Reach

    Twitter organic reach is one of the most important factors for your Twitter marketing strategy. Wide organic reach will translate into high engagement, increased brand awareness, and more loyal followers. Turning loyal followers into loyal customers is only one step ahead.

    To crack the code to building a robust Twitter organic reach, you need to understand the ins and outs of the Twitter algorithm, which is constantly changing.

    One thing is certain when it comes to social media, including Twitter – the algorithms will focus more and more on natural interactions between the users. Creating a helpful, interesting profile, that users naturally want to interact with will increase your Twitter reach and immunize your profile against most of the changes in the Twitter algorithm.


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